Dual-Purpose Heat Pumps Warm and Cool Your Home for Year-Round Comfort

A Carrier® heat pump is essentially an air conditioner that can both heat and cool a house. A simple explanation of this technology is that a heat pump extracts heat from the air outside and transfers it into your home. In many cases, it can do this much more efficiently than a gas or oil furnace. In summer, when you want to cool things down, the process reverses, and heat energy is absorbed in your house and released outside.

Heat pumps can provide whole-home comfort or room-by-room temperature control as part of a ductless split system. Here in Wisconsin, where winters can be very cold very long, we often recommend a hybrid heat system that pairs a gas furnace with an electric heat pump – this system automatically switches between electric and gas heating a needed to keep your home comfortable while optimizing the efficiencies of each fuel source.
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Get Answers Before You Get a Heat Pump

Heat pump image
To make sure a heat pump will meet your needs and expectations, we’ll walk you through these important
  • Is a heat pump the best choice – or would you be better off buying a furnace and a central air conditioner?
  •  What size heat pump should you buy?
  •  What is heat pump efficiency, and how efficient should your heat pump be?
  • Which brand of heat pump is best?
Carrier® offers high-quality heat pumps, consistently praised by HVAC professionals and homeowners alike for
their ease of operation and reliability. It’s the perfect “get it and forget it” product that can provide dependable service
for more than a decade. Ash Creek is an elite Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer.

When you’re ready to look at what heating or cooling unit is right for you, or if you’re thinking about adding a humidifier
or air purifier for better indoor air quality, please give us a call at (608) 647-5500. All in-home estimates are free of
charge. We will advise you about the type, capacity, and efficiency-rating best suited to your home or business. Your
comfort is our priority. Be sure to ask about any current rebate offers.
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Call us today at 608-647-5500 to schedule a convenient appointment